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Health Hub

Stressed, anxious, overthinker? Stop for a moment and read this!

Shane Murnaghan

Stress Decompression, Separating the real from the imaginary, the right now from the what if?, or the moralistic from the realistic, these matters can drive the body to be tense or anxious to the point that you never relax. Yes, there are issues to consider, but there is also a body to re calibrate.  Why? because as much as you can wake up ‘feeling anxious’ this anxitey can then make you search for stressors in your mind, even though you may be actually ok mentally, but physically just a little out of balance. At the clinic we can de compress your body, unwind your thinking and re connect your ‘sense-of- Humour’.  When you free your mind, the body follows, then your emotions get more positive, cos the pressure is off.! @ The Murnaghan Clinic: We know these secrets that is why we get such good results, quickly.!


How you can injure yourself, and how to prevent it!

Shane Murnaghan

How you can injure yourself, and how to prevent it!


Holding your breath whilst lifting is a major cause of lower back strain. this applies to all kinds of lifting, not just weight lifting.  The psoas muscle and the quadratus are related t the function of the lower spine balance and the QL is attached to the 12th rib which is attached to your the math, hold your breath ,weaken your spine, lift , bang , your in trouble!! @ The Murnaghan Clinic: We know these secrets that is why we get such good results, quickly.!

10 reasons why acupuncture can help with fitness!

Shane Murnaghan

The Chinese art of acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years. Most think that acupuncture is strictly for pain and only used in cases where people needed pain relief and therapy. I never knew until I tried it myself that acupuncture is a great way to not only repair and relieve pain; it’s a great way to strengthen the entire body both mentally and physically by promoting a balance and harmony throughout the body...

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Liver Cleansing

Shane Murnaghan

Lemons and Limes – While you are drinking your water, why not include a squeeze of a lemon or lime juice? It will boost the flavour and encourage the production of bile, allowing your liver to flush out toxins much easier.

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3 Signs you need Kidney Cleanse?

Shane Murnaghan

When indicators suggest a kidney cleanse is in order, the most important thing to do is to drink adequate amounts of water (2L - 3L of filtered or healthy spring water daily) to flush out unwanted waste and improve circulation to the organ.

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