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Health Hub

Filtering by Category: back pain

The science of massage!

Shane Murnaghan


There is a lot more to Massage than just the laying on of hands and pushing the body around in the hope it will do the trick . Strain has patterns and routes of integrity, knowing how to find and feel those routes that hold injury, and then undo and reverse these routes of strain allows the body to truly forget the strain and go back to nice soft familiar flexible.  It is our understanding of this that gets the best results. At The Better Life Clinic, we know these secrets that is why we get such good results, quickly!

10 reasons why acupuncture can help with fitness!

Shane Murnaghan

The Chinese art of acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years. Most think that acupuncture is strictly for pain and only used in cases where people needed pain relief and therapy. I never knew until I tried it myself that acupuncture is a great way to not only repair and relieve pain; it’s a great way to strengthen the entire body both mentally and physically by promoting a balance and harmony throughout the body...

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