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Filtering by Category: fitness

How to reach full potential with your strength

Shane Murnaghan

If you want to realise the full strength of a chain you must look for the weakest link.! The same goes for the human body . Muscles contract to move bone . Movement should be balanced from the mid line of the body, and the spine, but also muscle is balanced from the agonist to the antagonist to the synergist who keeps it all in good position. If any one of these structures switches off then the system collapses like a house of cards. Now there’s more to this statement, important prequel understandings of the full chain reaction of the structures needed to bring all you can be to your ‘A’ game, but alas it’ll take a longer discussion than today , but if it interests you we are here to help you maximise your potential . No difference between recovering major injury person or an expert athlete , its that absolute potential being released to boost a persons recovery , sometimes Everest is the top of the stairs, or just one tenth of a second faster than everyone else to the finish line or the high bar.  At the Better Life Clinic, we know these secrets that is why we get such good results, quickly!

Master Your Breathing

Shane Murnaghan

If only people could appreciate the true art of breathing. Something we only really care about when someone or something prevents you from enjoying, inhaling or exhaling.  Lets get more understanding.  Breathing is,100% humid, so you can dehydrate by breathing especially through the mouth. Breathing through the nose is circulates Co2 better which acts as a sedative, that’s what the breathing into a brown bag is for, recycling the Co2 to calm you down. Remember that when doing exams. Breathing also moves the 12th rib facilitating proper spinal function, that’s why you should never hold your breath when straining or lifting, it can lock up your back leaving you in agony.

It helps you digest food and move it along your digestive system. It oxygenates blood. Sighing indicates anxiety, how often do you sigh, or notice it in others.

Your breath can be used to diagnose disease as well as intoxication. Done properly can be used as pain control as well as increases endurance and energy usage. It can be used to induce hallucinations.! It is vital to master it to your advantage. At The Better Life Clinic, we know these secrets that is why we get such good results, quickly!

10 reasons why acupuncture can help with fitness!

Shane Murnaghan

The Chinese art of acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years. Most think that acupuncture is strictly for pain and only used in cases where people needed pain relief and therapy. I never knew until I tried it myself that acupuncture is a great way to not only repair and relieve pain; it’s a great way to strengthen the entire body both mentally and physically by promoting a balance and harmony throughout the body...

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