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Health Hub

Cupping for pain and Stagnation!

Shane Murnaghan

All of the body systems working together equals balance, that’s Why we offer Cupping For pain and stagnation of fluids and lactic acid ‘stuck’ in muscles unable to drain, done with a special testing system to maximise the treatment we balance the therapy to your needs, not just do it and hope for a good result. To over treat is as pointless as under treating, accuracy and feedback is essential, 25 years experience shows us more than most. ! @ The Murnaghan Clinic: We know these secrets that is why we get such good results, quickly.!

Who is Shane Murnaghan?

Shane Murnaghan

From the time I was four years old, my first memories of curiosity was to run down the ramp at the second entrance of St. Louis Convent on Charleville road in Rathmines, a school I would attend with the black clad nuns of the day as my first venture into education. I used to squeeze in behind the big oil tank for the central heating to the back of the science labs and spend hours staring at the human skeleton resting against the window...

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The 3 biggest Football injuries and how to prevent them!

Shane Murnaghan

Knee injuries in football are the most common, especially those to the anterior or posterior cruciate ligament (ACL/PCL) and to the menisci (cartilage of the knee). These knee injuries can adversely affect a player's longterm involvement in the sport. Football players also have a higher chance of ankle sprains due to the surfaces played on and cutting motions.

Shoulder injuries are also quite common and the labrum (cartilage bumper surrounding the socket part of the shoulder) is particularly susceptible to injury, especially in offensive and defensive linemen. In addition, injuries to the acromioclavicular joint (ACJ) or shoulder are seen in football players.  

Using Gravity pre and post training and matches will completely balance the body, allowing the strained muscles and ligaments to relax and unwind.  This 20 min session on Gravity, will creating a better state of balance and flexibility in your body, preparing your body better for any knocks, slips, trips or falls that it may incure during a game.  Gravity is not just for injuries, it for injury prevention too.  Its a gamer changer, excuse the pun, but Gravity helps to prevent and recover injuries, which will change your game forever.  @ At the Murnaghan Clinic, with 20 years of experience, we know how to help  prevent and help recover injuries quicker and better!      

Dr Shane Murnaghan, talk at the Budda Bag, Dublin.

Shane Murnaghan

Humanity & Movement & Happiness



Forgive me, but body mind and spirit, is not earthy enough for me to really appreciate the vital divisions of living. From teaching medicine in natural ways of understanding and discovering the true meaning of ‘gnothi seauton’ the temple of Delphi becomes my home too and If I stay focussed I can achieve great recovery from injury and dysfunctional movement.

There are six degrees of freedom, Five elements of organs, four agreements of spirituality, three states of qi, two opposing forms of energy and one life.

There are bones ligaments muscles fascia and skin. This journey is an understanding of how injury stays in the body, and the energetic value of ‘change by knowing’. The impact this brings and it’s true existence is not an aspiration of faith and destiny but a sub conscious control that benefits everyday living.

See you all at the Budda Bag on the 30th June at 7pm , Dr. Shane Murnaghan