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Health Hub

Spinal Function how important is it?

Shane Murnaghan

Nothing happens in the body when it comes to movement without the spine knowing about it. Don’t under estimate the intimate nature of spinal mechanics and free motion. Just ask anyone who has had acute spine pain, you cant even think about movement without the spine reacting in advance . Don’t believe me?, ok, just imagine sitting still in your chair with your eyes closed, now imagine you’re in the front seat of a roller coaster hurtling down the track, feel your back reacting. Spinal is primal, if you look at the all the nerves coming out of it and how they insert into organ function, it also has huge influence on every organ you have. That’s why you must respect it and look after it and stretch it every time you need high level of movement performance: At The Better Life Clinic, we know these secrets that is why we get such good results, quickly!