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At the Clinic we don't just fix injuries and take away the pain, we get to the main cause of the injury and work to prevent it from reoccurring.

We believe that creating effective results, requires a no nonsense approach to understanding injuries to body, how they occur and how they effect our client. Injury patterns and strains often reoccur as the problem cause is often not addressed and instead a temporary fix is put in place.

We don't believe in a temporary fix, we believe in the complete service! Our word of mouth reputation for providing a full service of testing, finding, diagnosing, and fixing injuries is what enables our clients to stay pain free. Our service and our client feedback is what keeps us busy.

Welcome to The Better Life Clinic, an esteemed injury recovery clinic located in Dublin 24. With 25 years of clinical practice, we specialize in providing exceptional services such as:

Injury recovery, Acupuncture. lymphatic massage, cupping, hot stone therapy, Fertility acupuncture and herbal remedies.

What to expect?

You talk, we listen, thats why we have a 95% success rate, and multiple 5 star reviews. As our client, you will be receive the following:

  • A detailed consultation

  • Review of any MRI reports and scans you have

  • Accurate diagnoses and recovery times

  • Realistic Expectations

  • Swift Injury Recovery

  • And a rehabilitation coaching and stetching programme

Our dedicated team is committed to helping you experience a life of enhanced confidence and reduced stress through our comprehensive range of treatments and therapies. Trust in our expertise as we guide you on the path to optimal well-being and a better quality of life.


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There’s no doubting Shane Murnaghan’s genius. He’s turned my life around, both on a physical and emotional level. Bring it on - I am ready for even bigger challenges now!
— Grania Willis - Irish Times
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Upon reflection, my “Seven Summits” world record success stemmed directly from an ability to stay focused and mentally sharp no matter what disaster might ensue. Working with Dr Shane Murnaghan helped to ensure that I was prepared both physically and mentally to the very highest levels.
— Ian McKeever - MPRII
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Shane Murnaghan will mend your body, clear your mind and lift your spirit. He is some man for one man, and I love him.
— Ian Kingston, Essential Training

Check out our Health Hub



Clinic Address:

Unit 16, Suite 3, Old Bawn Shopping Centre, Tallaght, Dublin 24, D24KFH5, Ireland